to collect - Español Inglés Diccionario

to collect

Significados de "to collect" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 354 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
collect juntar [v]
collect coleccionar [v]
collect recaudar [v]
collect reunir [v]
collect cobrar [v]
collect recoger [v]
collect colecta [f]
collect embalsar [v]
collect colectar [v]
collect recopilar [v]
collect acumularse [v]
round mat to collect trash cogedor [m]
clerk appointed to collect fees and taxes derechero [m]
pond built to collect water estanque [m]
nobleman who by the old charters of castile, had the right to collect 500 salaries, in satisfaction of the injuries that were done to him hidalgo de devengar quinientos sueldos [m]
area to collect things recogedero [m]
power to collect rents or taxes recudimento [m]
power to collect rents or taxes recudimiento [m]
sunken clay vessel to collect water in an oil mill bomba [f]
amount collect recaudación [f]
chosen by the king or privileged person to collect and pay tithes excusado [adj]
collect acopiar [v]
collect allegar [v]
collect and receive cattle toll montazgar [v]
collect and receive cattle toll amontazgar [v]
collect apañar [v]
collect atrojar [v]
collect coger [v]
collect coleccionar [v]
collect taxes colectar [v]
collect taxes derramar [v]
collect fish from traps and estuaries of a salt marsh despescar [v]
collect embalsar [v]
collect part of embeber [v]
collect embolsar [v]
collect bees outside the hive enjambrar [v]
request or collect information interesar [v]
collect juntar [v]
collect and receive cattle toll montazgar [v]
collect olives by hand ordeñar [v]
collect recaudar [v]
collect again recoger [v]
gradually collect recoger [v]
collect recolectar [v]
collect the ninth part of fruits already tithed rediezmar [v]
collect reunir [v]
collect taxes tallar [v]
calling collect llamada a cobro revertido [f]
collect agregar [v]
collect cobrarse [v]
collect postular [v]
collect almacenar [v]
collect amontonar [v]
collect up allegar [v]
collect (information) recabar [v]
collect recabar [v]
collect into a mass sumar [v]
collect into a mass juntar [v]
collect hacer una colecta [v]
collect reunirse [v]
collect congregarse [v]
call collect llamar por cobrar [v]
collect dust juntar polvo [v]
collect dust acumular polvo [v]
collect signatures recabar firmas [v]
collect money recaudar dinero [v]
collect taxes recaudar impuestos [v]
collect on a debt recaudar una deuda [v]
collect shellfish mariscar [v]
collect hacer acopio de [v]
call collect llamar a cobro revertido [v]
call collect llamar a cobro revertido [v]
collect arrears cobrar atrasos [v]
collect fares cobrar el pasaje [v]
clerk appointed to collect fees and taxes derechero [m]
vessel sunk in the ground to collect oil pozuelo [m]
power to collect rents, rates or taxes recudimiento [m]
circular excavation made at the foot of a tree to collect water cavia [f]
collect captar [v]
collect aglomerar [v]
collect and unite agregar [v]
collect or head a band of armed men acuadrillar [v]
collect copilar [v]
collect taxes/money colectar [v]
collect colegir [v]
collect mineral waters at the springs captar [v]
collect or mount upon trees embarrarse [v]
collect one's clothes (for travelling) hatear [v]
collect inferir [v]
collect forage/fodder forrajear [v]
collect reintegrarse [v]
collect percibir [v]
collect llegarse [v]
levy/collect toll on cattle montazgar [v]
collect rents/taxes recaudar [v]
collect oneself recogerse [v]
collect recolectar [v]
collect dues (sheepwalk) serviciar [v]
collect taxes/money recaudar [v]
collect coger [v]
collect compilar [v]
collect deducir [v]
collect oneself volver en sí [v]
collect oneself reponerse [v]
collect money cobrar dinero [v]
earthen jar to collect filtered water bernegal [m] VE
a container to collect the feces of prisoners in a jail baché [m] DO
a small depression in land, as a hollow, with a tendency to collect water bajío [m] MX BO:E UY
saucer or bowl used to collect sands or metalliferous lands achúa [f] CL
instrument used to collect fried jocote apeadora [f] CR
long bladed stick used to collect fruit from tall trees chuza [f] CR
collect telephone call collect (inglesa) [f] US PR
collect telephone call collet (francés) [f] US
collect money from several people gurgucha [f] HN
collect call llamada a pagar allá [f] CU
collect call llamada por cobro revertido [f] CL
hamper to collect spikes or ears of grain goja [f] disused
amount collect recaudanza [f] disused
collect on delivery service recomendado [adj] PA CO UY
collect money pedir [v]
collect pepenar [v] CAM MX
collect the last fruits of a crop rastrojear [v] CR
collect firewood leñatear [v] CO
greedily collect and save money/valuables amorralar [v] UY
collect waste in an area not served by the official garbage collection service campanear [v] MX
collect the low-hanging leaves of a tobacco plant desbajerar [v] GT NI CR rur.
fish using one's hands to collect fish inside a cave cuevear [v] HN SV VE:W
collect waste in the streets or landfills to subsist by marketing recoverable or recyclable items from trash cirujear [v] AR
collect tinder from a field charamusquear [v] MX:Se HN NI rur.
collect the commission on the players winnings (gambling hall) chinguear [v] CR rare
collect latex from rubber trees cauchar [v] EC:E,W rur.
collect the leftovers from the harvest cayaschar [v] AR:Nw rur.
collect the leftovers from the harvest cayaschir [v] AR:Nw rur.
hastily collect something that has been thrown into the air (several people) garduñar [v] HN
collect the first coffee beans to ripen granear [v] HN NI CR rur.
collect shells from the pacific coast conchar [v] CO rare
look for wild bee hives to collect honey colmenear [v] HN NI
collect used items for sale huesear [v] SV
collect the dried coffee that has been left on the ground at the end of the harvest season juntar [v] CR rur.
collect call llamada por cobrar [v] MX NI CR PA CO BO PY
collect enfaltricarse [v] PR
collect corn cobs elotear [v] MX GT
collect honey from honeycombs melear [v] NI AR:N rur.
collect the fruit of the nance tree nancear [v] MX GT HN SV NI PA rur.
collect nance fruit nancitear [v] NI
collect piles of harvested ears of corn and cotton motichar [v] SV NI rur.
collect scrap grains or cane mutichar [v] SV NI
collect something scattered pallar (quechua) [v] BO:C,W,S
collect potatoes after the harvest pallapar [v] PE:S
collect seeds of the monkey puzzle piñonear [v] CL
collect from the ground pepenar [v] MX GT HN SV NI CR:Nw PA rur.
collect excess crops pepenar [v] MX GT rur.
collect from the ground pepenar [v] HN NI
collect the last harvest rastrojear [v] HN CR rur.
collect the last harvest rastrojear [v] MX CU
collect remains ripear [v] PR rur.
manually collect sugar cane cut by machine in a mill repañar [v] EC
collect the last harvest of coffee beans, even green ones repelar [v] HN SV NI CR rur.
collect the last coffee beans on the ground repepenar [v] HN SV rur.
collect any remaining crops especially corn or beans restrojear [v] CR disused
collect surplus ripear [v] PR rur.
collect one's winnings retratar [v] VE
collect wild fruit vaquear [v] NI rur.
collect left over food stuck to the pots zurrapear [v] PA
collect a pig from the pigsty acubilar [v] ES local rur.
collect and receive cattle toll amontadgar [v] disused
collect asemblar [v] disused
collect asentar [v] disused
remove the roots and collect shoots for grafting desbragar [v] AL
collect coffee beans in one part of the plantation encharralarse [v] CR rur.
collect the lower leaves of a tobacco plant esbajerar [v] CR
collect lumber leñatear [v] CO
collect llegar [v] rare
collect mangoes manguear [v] HN
collect recabar [v] disused
collect recabdar [v] disused
collect recadar [v] disused
collect small trinkets by degrees añascar [v] disused
make a collect call a cobro revertido [adj]
collect one's luggage recoger su equipaje [v]
collect money from a group of people pasar la gorra [v]
collect money from a group of people pasar el sombrero [v]
collect money from a group of people pasar la bandeja [v]
collect money from a group of people pasar el platillo [v]
collect dust estar engavetado [v]
collect dust estar muerto de risa [v]
collect money pasar la bandeja [v]
collect rebalsarse los humores [v]
collect partridges from the field with a male partridge cazar el pájaro [v]
call collect a cobro revertido [adv]
collect pasar a buscar
collect money hacer un serrucho [v] CAR
collect money among a group of people for a common expense, generally food or drink hacer una cucha [v] CL
collect money owed without the debtor's consent cobrarse a lo chino [v] MX
collect money estirar la mano [v] MX NI PE BO CL
collect money estirar la poruña [v] CL
collect coffee bajar la fruta [v] CR
collect coffee beans bajar el grano [v] CR rur.
collect money from several people for a common purpose hacer la cabuda [v] SV
collect money from a group of friends to buy liquor hacer la carreta [v] SV
help a woman collect coffee from the same branch hacer el mico [v] SV rur.
collect money in an improvised way among a group of people for a common expense, usually food or drink hacer una cucha [v] CL
collect one's personal belongings to leave home hacer motete [v] NI
collect an equal amount of money from every contributor pasar la balanza [v] HN SV
collect on something cobrar contra algo [v]
collect embolsar [v]
collect firewood recoger leña [v]
collect water buscar agua [v]
collect unemployment cobrar el paro [v]
collect unemployment cobrar el desempleo [v]
collect information tomar informes [v]
collect apañuscar [v]
collect serrucho [m] NI PA DO PR PE
give someone more time to collect the money owed aguantar [v] MX HN DO AR UY
collect in a vessel the liquid rubber from a siringa rubber tree entichelar [v] BO:N,E
collect honey from honeycombs melear [v] BO
collect the last crops ripiar [v] MX rur.
collect a favor pasar la boleta a alguien [v] AR UY
collect money hacer una vaca [v] CL
collect a debt cobrar una deuda [v]
collect (demand payment) cobrar [v]
to collect a debt cobrar una deuda [v]
collect a check cobrar un cheque [v]
collect on delivery cobrar al entregar [v]
collect taxes cobrar impuestos [v]
collect requirements recopilar requisitos [v]
collect efectivar [v]
collect taxes recaudar impuestos [v]
collect efectuar cobros [v]
collect recoger [v]
collect colectar [v]
collect recolectar [v]
collect cobrar [v]
collect recaudar [v]
collect a cheque cobrar un cheque [v]
collect on delivery cobrar al entregar [v]
collect fees cobrar cargos [v]
collect taxes cobrar impuestos [v]
collect interest cobrar intereses [v]
collect a dividend cobrar un dividendo [v]
collect a payment cobrar un pago [v]
collect a debt cobrar una deuda [v]
collect a bill cobrar una factura [v]
collect a premium cobrar una prima [v]
collect recopilar [v]
collect percibir [v]
collect taxes recaudar [v]
collect valuables atesorar [v]
collect hacer efectivo [v]
collect on delivery cobro a la entrega [abrev]
collect call [us] llamada a cobro revertido
collect of taxes recaudador de impuestos
collect freight flete a cobrar
carriage collect porte debido
order to collect orden de cobro
collect call llamada a cobro revertido
collect call llamada a cobro revertido
collect call llamada por cobrar
right to collect derecho de cobro
freight collect porte debido
invoices to collect facturas al cobro
bills to collect letras a cobrar
collect (a loan) cobrar (un préstamo) [v]
collect (a loan) recabar (un préstamo) [v]
collect (savings) captar (depósitos) [v]
collect (savings) recaudar (depósitos) [v]
collect cobro en el destino
collect a debt recobrar un siniestro
collect tax recaudar impuestos
freight collect flete a cobrar
freight collect flete pagado en destino
collect recibir [v]
collect your judgment cobrar su veredicto [v]
collect taxes cobrar impuestos [v]
collect a debt cobrar una deuda [v]
collect valuables atesorar [v]
collect efectivar [v]
freight collect porte debido
cod (collect on delivery) pago contra reembolso
International Law
action to collect alimony installments acción de alimentos
collect call llamada por cobrar
collect call llamada a cobro revertido
collect call llamada por cobrar
collect cóbrese [m]
collect congregar [v]
collect a charge percibir una tasa [v]
collect hacer efectivo [v]
collect coger [v]
collect on delivery contra reembolso
collect call llamada previo pago
collect key llave de cobro
collect call conferencia de cobro revertido
draw-in collect chuck mandril de boquillas con barra tractora AR
freight collect flete debido
freight collect porte a pagar
freight collect porte debido AR
freight collect flete por cobrar
collect calling request indicator [us] indicador solicitado de cobro revertido [m]
collect call acceptance [us] aceptación de cobro revertido [f]
collect call [us] llamada pagadera en destino [f]
collect calling acceptance [us] aceptación de cobro revertido [f]
call collect [us] hacer una llamada a cobro revertido [v]
call collect [us] cobrar en destino [v]
collect numerical data recopilar datos numéricos [v]
collect numerical data recolectar datos numéricos [v]
collect recolectar [v]
collect muestrear [v]
collect coleccionar [v]
operation to collect cerebrospinal fluid punción lumbar
oil collect pool foso de recogida de aceite [m]
collect on delivery cobrar al entregar [v]
collect hacer efectivo [v]
collect recaudar [v]
collect run tiro combinado [m]
collect call [us] llamada a cobro revertido [f] ES
collect call service [us] servicio de cobro revertido [m]
collect call acceptance not subscribed signal [us] señal de cobro revertido no aceptado [f]
collect call acceptance [us] aceptación de llamada a cobro revertido [f]
collect call acceptance not subscribed signal [us] señal no suscrita de aceptación de cobro revertido [f]
collect calling acceptance [us] aceptación de llamada a cobro revertido [f]
collect call [us] llamada pagadera en destino
call collect [us] hacer una llamada a cobro revertido
collect commercial bill of lading (ccbl) conocimiento de embarque a porte debido [m]
collect commercial bill of lading conocimiento de embarque a porte debido [m]
collect message mensaje pagado por el destinatario
collect on delivery contra reembolso
collect call comunicación de pago revertido
freight collect flete a cobrar
freight collect pagadero en destino
freight collect/payable on delivery realizada la entrega
charges collect cargos o gastos a pagar en destino
collect charges gastos pagaderos en destino
freight collect/payable on delivery flete pagadero en destino
freight collect flete pagadero en destino
Maritime Transport
freight collect flete debido
freight collect flete debido
freight collect flete a cobrar
freight collect flete pagadero en destino
ditch to collect excess water achololera [f] MX
tool used to collect fried jocote cogedora [f] CR
tool used to collect fried jocote apeadora [f] CR
tool used to collect squash fruit cogedora [f] CR
tool used to collect squash fruit apeadora [f] CR
collect hacer la cosecha [v]
collect the lower leaves of a tobacco plant esbajerar [v] CR rur.
collect corn cobs tapizcar [v] HN SV NI
collect yerba mate leaves tarefear [v] AR:Ne
Animal Husbandry
collect samples tomar / recoger muestras [v]
collect samples hacer un muestreo del rebaño [v]
collect mussels chorear [v] CL rare
collect shrimp from rivers camaronear [v] PA CL
worker employed to collect caguachiri [m]
collect captar [v]
collect herbs herborizar [v]

Significados de "to collect" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 1 resultado(s)

Español Inglés
collect (inglesa) [f] US PR collect telephone call